The Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning is designed to provide students with practical experience, ’employability’ skills and personal development opportunities which will take them further training in the work place or at TAFE.
There are three levels
- Foundation
- Intermediate
- Senior
You begin VCAL at a level suitable for you.
There are four compulsory strands of study:
- Literacy and Numeracy skills:
Students undertake Foundation English, Foundation Maths or VCE Units 1-4 in English and Maths depending on their abilities and needs. - Industry specific skills:
Students may choose industry specific units from VET programs. They need not necessarily complete a single VET certificate and can choose to undertake various modules or units from a range to gain experience in a number of vocational areas. - Work related skills:
Students choose a weekly work placement, part time apprenticeship or traineeship, part time work or work experience. They maintain a log-book and complete work place related outcomes. - Personal development skills:
Students participate in community based and personally appropriate projects/activities to help develop teamwork skills, self confidence and other life/work skills.
A VCAL Certificate and statement of results is awarded at the successful completion of the level chosen.