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State Schools Spectacular

State Schools Spectacular

Our State Schools Spectacular students travelled down to Melbourne last week for their performance at John Cain Arena. They have worked tirelessly over the past 6 months to perfect their dances and they certainly did our school proud!

Students had two full days of dress rehearsals on Thursday and Friday and the culmination of all their hard work was the two performances on Saturday afternoon and evening.

There were a total of 3000 students involved in the Spectacular and it is truly an incredible opportunity for our small town students to be involved in a performance of this scale.

Our Rutherglen High School students danced beautifully, and most importantly, had a lot of fun!

As their teacher, I have watched these students give up their lunchtimes to practise their dances, I have seen them look completely exhausted but continue to push themselves harder and I have seen them shine both in our rehearsals and in the arena. I am so incredibly proud of what they have achieved.

The Spectacular will be televised on the 14th December on Channel 7 so be sure to check it out.

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